Gallery Show: 猫とドラゴン展 「Cats & Dragons」@ Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum

Cats and Dragons Exhibition
Cats and Dragons Exhibition

Cats and Dragons go together like chocolate and peanut butter, like Bogart and Bacall, like monkeys and bananas. Alright, I admit that I can't actually fathom how the cats and dragons put their not-even-remotely-the-same-sized heads together to plan out this exhibition. I imagine clandestine meetings deep inside massive, flame-lit caves filled with catnip. Conspiratorial whispers puncture the night air as Machiavellian plans are wrought. In the end, the cats get their way. They always do.

Most importantly, it looks like there's a very, very good chance that I will be able to attend the opening day of the exhibition, on October 21st, at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in Ueno Park in Tokyo.

A brand new piece of cut-paper art on a big ol' chunk of wood was created just for this show, where it will hang along with the works of about 30 other esteemed artists. A wide variety of media and professions will be on display, from illustration and video game design to fine art and a slew more.

Come on down to the museum, see the art, and talk (in at least 2 languages) with the creators. Here are

the details:

Name: 猫とドラゴン展 「Cats & Dragons」

dates: Sun. October 21 - Sun. October 28, 2012

Times: 9:30am - 5:30pm ※closes 1:30pm on final day (doors close 30 minutes prior to closing time)

place: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, 8-36 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku, Tokyo
venue: Gallery C map (english)
Tel: 03-3823-6921
museum website

日付: 2012年10月21日(日)~10月28日(日)
時間: 午前9時30分から午後5時30分まで ※最終日は午後1時30分まで(入室は閉室の30分前まで)
住所: 東京都美術館, 東京都台東区上野公園8-36
会場: ギャラリーC アクセス
電話: 03-3823-6921
neko-dora HomePage
東京都美術館 HomePage


怪獣絵師として絶大な人気を誇る開田裕治を旗印に、アニメ・特撮・SF・マンガ・ゲーム、幅広いフィールドで活躍するクリエイターたちが集結。「COOL JAPAN」と称される日本のポップ・カルチャーの牽引者と、今まさに注目を集め始める新進気鋭のクリエイター総勢30名が、【人間にとって最も身近な獣「猫」】と【神として想像された獣「ドラゴン」】、我々の概念上、最も距離が離れた2つの獣『猫とドラゴン』をテーマに競演します。

Cats and Dragons Exhibition
Cats and Dragons Exhibition

The 2013 Cut Paper Art Calendar Campaign - Join the Cause!


Gallery Show: 福岡魂 「Fukuoka Damashii」@ Solaria Plaza, Fukuoka