It’s a Larger World After All


UPDATE: As of June 5, 2020, the number of countries I cannot ship to has increased to 157, including the USA, Australia, and Spain.

We learned to sail the great oceans that cover most of our world. And that world grew smaller.

We constructed flying machines to pass over mountains and seas. Week and month-long journeys shrank to hours. The world grew smaller.

We devised a language of 0’sand 1’s to bathe the world in information, misinformation, disinformation, and very silly memes. The world grew smaller still (although quite a bit harder to navigate).

We felt connected. Fairly secure in our power to shrink the world down to a manageable size.

Along comes a microscopic parasite - not sentient, not even really alive by most definitions. But very, very effective at making a total mess of everything the human race has put a whole lot of work into building up over a very long time.

And the world has grown larger.

You can almost hear Jörmungandr straining against the mass of the globe, struggling to keep its tail in its jaws.

We can feel that separation, that stretching chasm, between individuals and nations. And it hurts. It hurts on a very personal level.

In time, we will learn how to navigate these new realities. Heal the cracks and fissures. Put back together what has been separated. There will be wounds that are never fully healed or forgotten. But maybe, hopefully, we can excise the bad we created, while bringing back the good and the necessary stronger and more resilient than before.

One such crack, at least for the time being, is the global postal system.

It’s to be expected. There are fewer flights. Countries are closing their borders. Post Offices need to take steps to protect their employees and the people they deliver to.

I’m not 100% sure how this will impact my work now, and on into the future, but I’ll muddle through.

Japan Post has announced that post service - EMS and airmail included - have been suspended to a vast swath of countries. In this case, “swath” = 126. That’s a humbling number.

If your country is on this list, unfortunately, I cannot ship *anything* to you until…we rediscover normal.

If your country isn’t listed (UK, France, Canada, Mexico…) shipments are possible (for now), but expect delays.

Take care, everyone.


The Art of Sharing Happiness (a humble suggestion)


Petals in the Wind, Feathers on the Moon